Friday, 21 September 2012

Painting the Dogs of War

So today I finally finished painting the mercenaries that I detailed in the post "War for a Price". This first picture shows the three squads and the platoon HQ.

They are represented as being deployed in Battledress and the figures themselves are New Israeli Light Armoured Infantry from the Dirtside range by Ground Zero Games. For 6mm figures these guys are a whopping 8mm in size!

They were undercoated and basecoated in khaki grey, then washed in devlan mud and then dry brushed bubonic brown. The faceplate on their helmets is gold whilst their weapons were painted umber (black being too black for 6mm in my opinion).

On the right shoulder of each trooper was modelled a large shoulder pad. These I painted either red, green or blue as a form of squad recognition, with the platoon HQ painted white.

I based the figures on white plasticard (using cheap super glue) then applied brown basetex, when dry it was dry brushed bubonic brown. Under each base is a number identifying which fire team the figure is in, special notation is made for leaders, medics and fusion gunners.

In this next picture you can see the two ATVs that transport two of the squads (there will be a separate post detailing my efforts to design them using the Striker system sometime in the near future). They are Phalanx Heavy Hi-Mobility Wheeled APCs, again from Ground Zero Games. They were painted in the same colours as the infantry with the addition that the wheels were painted black then dry brushed umber.

OK, what about the third squad and the HQ I hear you say. The HQ deploys in an Air/Raft, Adler Miniatures used to make great looking air/rafts in their Dark Star range but they sold the range to some company in the USA - so the hunt is on for transport for the HQ.

As for the third squad it usually deploys via the 50 ton Cutter, you can see a picture of that below.

Now, the eagle-eyed among you may notice something about my Cutter model, namely that it is a work in progress (also that it is the cardboard inner tube from a roll of Tesco's value tin foil).

My back of an envelope calculations using Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats tells me a Cutter should be a tad over 6m in diameter and approximately 30m long. This equates to a tad over 20mm in diameter and approximately 99mm long. The tube is 24mm in diameter and over 30cm long. Construction of the Cutter will form a separate post. 

1 comment:

  1. you can still get the old sci fi adler range from darkest star games from the US :) Lovely figures
